RFP 001/2024-2025 Extracurricular Pupil Transportation Services
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Governing Board of the Centinela Valley Union High School District is inviting sealed Proposals from vendors for the following contract:
Proposal No. 001/2024-2025, Extracurricular Pupil Transportation Services
Sealed RFP will be received no later than 2:00pm., on Tuesday, September 17th, 2024, and shall be submitted to Purchasing – Centinela Valley Union High School District - 14901 South Inglewood Ave., Lawndale CA 90260. Proposals submitted at any other location other than Centinela Valley Union High School District - 14901 South Inglewood Ave., Lawndale CA 90260 or later than the date and time indicated above, will be rejected
Any claim by a Proposer of error in its RFP must be made in compliance with section 5100 et seq. of the Public Contract Code.
All Proposals shall be made and presented on the documents furnished by the District in the RFP Manual for Extracurricular Pupil Transportation Services, including, without limitation, the included RFP form. Each Proposal must conform and be responsive to all pertinent Contract Documents, including, but not limited to, the Instructions to Proposers
Any requests for clarification or questions shall be made in writing and emailed to [email protected] no later than Thursday September 5, 2024 by 12:00 p.m. Questions received after that date and time will not receive a response. Any attempt by a prospective proposer to communicate with any District person other than through the email address above shall disqualify that prospective proposer from submitting a Proposal in response to this RFP.