Lockdown Drill (Per.8)-Remain Indoors
- What
- Lockdown Drill (Per.8)-Remain Indoors
- When
- 3/11/2022, 1:40 PM – 2:00 PM
A lockdown drill indicates that an emergency that requires students and staff to remain inside has occurred, such as an intruder on campus or a crime nearby.
When the announcement is given, all classes, teachers, and staff will remain in their classroom or office. Lock all windows, exterior doors, pull down window shades (if available), turn off lights, and secure any other openings to the outside. In new building classrooms, green light means open and red light means locked.
In the event the door does not lock, barricade the door or find a cord to tie the door to something stationary.
All students and staff should silence their cell phones. Do not use radio, TV, walkie talkies, or cell phones in the classroom or office.
Physical education classes will proceed into the gym or nearest classroom.
If the announcement is during passing period, nutrition, or lunch students will be directed to go to the nearest open classroom or office (unless the Principal announces other instructions).
If the announcement is made before or after school, students will be directed to go into the nearest open classroom or office (unless the principal announces other instructions).
Move students to the most protected areas of the room (e.g., away from windows and the possibility of broken glass). Instruct students to crouch down on the floor.
Students in the Cafeteria should move into the kitchen and secure the doors. Students in the Media Center/Career Center should move into a secure area.
Do not release students or staff to the restroom. Write down the names of everyone in the room or office.
Safety or administrators may use their key to put students into a nearby classroom or office but DO NOT open the door for anyone.
Wait for “All Clear” signal before allowing anyone out the classroom or office. After receiving the “All Clear” signal you may resume normal activity.