Census 2020




Your participation will ensure that our students, educators, and community members receive the resources they need. Our community has a lot to gain.


Each person counted in the census means more money will go to our community for the next 10 years for things like schools, roads, hospitals and healthcare.


By participating in the census, we are claiming our community’s fair share of federal money. Census data is used to determine the allocation of funds that provide financial assistance to local educational agencies and schools with high numbers or high percentages of children from low-income families.


EVERYONE COUNTS in Lawndale counts.

It is important that you count everyone living with you on your census form, no matter their age or citizenship status (babies, children, relatives, friends and roommates). If they live in your household, they count. This information will not be shared with ANYONE, including your landlord. 


Babies and children are the most under-counted group in the census. Everyone counts.


By counting everyone that lives with you in the census, you are doing your part to create a better future for your family and your community.




The census is safe, and your information is private.


Federal law protects you and your children’s privacy, it is illegal to share your information.


The Census Bureau can only use your response to gain information about the general population, like how many people live in your city, and statistics about age, gender, and race, for the purpose of budget allocation.


keep in mind.


The official census form will NEVER ask for your Social Security number or any banking or credit card information.


Census workers will ONLY contact you by mail, by telephone, or in-person at your home.


Do not give your email address to a census worker or open any emails that claim to be from the Census Bureau.


If a census worker comes to your home, ask to see their identification and official U.S. Census Bureau badge.



MARCH 12 - 20, 2020
Postcards (shown below) will be mailed to every household with instructions and an specified access code.
If you don't have access to the internet, you can complete the census by mail or phone. 
Call (800) 923-8282 for assistance.
APRIL 1, 2020
U.S. Census Day
By this date, every household should have received the postcard invitation to participate.
APRIL 8 - 16, 2020
A reminder and hard copy census form will be mailed out.
APRIL 20 -27, 2020
A final reminder will be mailed out.
APRIL 30, 2020
Respond by this date to decrease the chances of a home visit.
MAY - JULY, 2020
U.S. Census Bureau will send representatives to households that have not completed the census.