LCAP & LEAP Plans » CVUHSD Graduate Profile

CVUHSD Graduate Profile

Beyond meeting graduation requirements and attaining academic proficiency CVUHSD graduates will become...
College and Career Ready Individuals
Graduates will develop and manage a clearly articulated post secondary
plan that is aligned with their academic and/or career goals and personal
Effective Communicators
Graduates will be able to express thoughts and articulate ideas through
verbal, non-verbal, written, and technological means.
Ethical Leaders
Graduates will demonstrate ethical leadership through effective decision
making and self management by understanding their personal strengths 
and weaknesses.
Independent & Collaborative Critical Thinkers & Problem Solvers
Graduates will exercise critical thinking skills to independently and
collaboratively address the nature of a problem and propose creative
Socially Aware & Responsive Community Members
Graduates will act as productive citizens who serve in the community to 
improve the quality of life for their local, national, and global community.