Annual EL Program Evaluation

English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA)

The English Learner Subgroup Self Assessment (ELSSA) serves as a district level tool for LEAs to analyze outcomes and program services for English learners (ELs) while preparing LEA plans and addenda to meet requirements under Title I and Title III. This refers specifically to LEAs developing Title III Action Plan Needs Assessments and Title I Program Improvement plans related to the EL student group. All LEAs may benefit from using the ELSSA in local planning. The ELSSA helps LEAs focus on the attainment of linguistic and academic standards EL students as well as to identify issues regarding EL instructional programs.

You may click on the link at the bottom of the page to review the entire document (CVUHSD-ELSSA) OR you may click on the below info graphic and narrative designed to summarize and make the ELSSA data and identified actions more accessible to a wider audience.

CV 23-24 Evaluacion Anual del Programa ELDCV 23-24 Annual ELD Program Evaluation

CV EL Program Review SP 22-23CV EL Program Annual Review 22-23

21-22 SP ELD Annual Program Evaluation21-22 ENG ELD Annual Program Evaluation

Spanish 20-21 ELD Program Evaluation20-21 Annual ELD Program Eval

19-20 CV ELD Prog Eval SPAN    19-20 CV ELD Prog Eval ENG

17-18 CV EL Prog Eval ENG   17-18 CV ELD Prog Eval SPAN

16-17 CV ELD Prog Eval ENG   16-17 CV ELD Prog Eval SPAN

15-16 CV ELD Prog Eval ENG   15-16 CV ELD Prog Eval SPAN

Title III Accountability

Under Title III of NCLB, districts (and county offices of education) must establish benchmarks and annually measure the progress of students trying to attain English proficiency. These benchmarks for English learners are called annual measurable achievement objectives (AMAOs) and occur in three areas. The first two pertain to progressing toward and attaining English proficiency as measured by students' results on the California English Language Development Test (CELDT). The third area is the annual measurable objective (AMO) used to determine adequate yearly progress (AYP) under NCLB.

The CVUHSD Title III LEA Plan Addendum can be found by clicking on the link above or you can watch the video below which summarizes the current Title III LEA Plan Addendum.