DPAC Meetings 2020-2021
2020-2021 DPAC meetings are scheduled on the following dates. DPAC meetings will be offered virtually this year via Zoom, both synchronous (in person) and asynchronous (meetings will be recorded for later viewing) to accommodate the current health restrictions and ensure that all members have access to the information.
For each of the following meetings, the agenda topic materials will be posted below at least 1 week prior to the synchronous meeting date/time. We invite you to review the materials ahead of time and then join us "in person" with site and district administration at the meeting date/time to to engage in an open forum for questions and parent input.
August 21 (Learning Continuity Plan Input Meeting) 11am-12pm
The following meetings will be held synchronously (live) via Zoom (links will be posted below at least 1 week prior) on the following dates between 10am and 12pm:
October 30
December 11
February 5 (DELAC Compliance Meeting)
March 5 (DELAC Compliance Meeting)
April 21
May 21
The public is welcome to attend these meetings.
LINKS to Meeting Zoom Info and Post-meeting recordings, Agendas, Minutes, and Powerpoints/Handouts in Menu to the RIGHT and BELOW the following image: