Welcome to the Personnel Commission Department
Our office is responsible for the classification of new and existing jobs, recruitment and testing of candidates for employment, and the certification and processing of eligibles for hiring for classified (non-teaching) positions.
The Merit System at Centinela Valley Union High School District
The Centinela Valley Union High School District became a Merit System in 1994. The principle of the Merit System is to ensure that employees are selected, promoted, and retained without favoritism or prejudice on the basis of merit and fitness.
Mission Statement
Our mission is to support the educational excellence of the Centinela Valley Union High School District by providing outstanding customer service in hiring, promoting and retaining of highly qualified personnel utilizing equitable opportunity for examination and competitive compensation.
History of the Merit System
The merit system is a method of personnel management which is designed to promote the efficiency and economy of the workforce and the good of the public by providing for the selection and retention of employees, promotional opportunities, in-service training, and other related matters on the basis of merit, fitness and the principle of “like pay for like work.”